Well, now that I’m really deep into training, I’m realizing that I have to eat more…a LOT more. Exercising for 4 hours a day burns through a ton of calories, and if I don’t want to lose any of the muscle it’s taken me the last two years to put on, then I’m simply going to have to eat more. So, again I talked things over with my coach, and he agreed, that I should stop carb-cycling for now as fat-loss is not a priority, and just try having the same amount of carbs every day, about 100 grams. Yesterday I had a cup of grapes, 1/2 cup strawberries, 2 bananas, 2 ripe figs, mashed potatoes, some noodles, and vegetables of course. Today I woke up to a big bowl of sweet, ruby strawberries drizzled in honey with some toasted cashews, and I’ll figure out a way to get in some more fruit throughout the day. That’s one great thing about my training: getting to eat all the fruit I want. And with Alphonso mango season coming up next month, it’s going to be a great reward!!!!