In my tireless search for great products to bring to the table, I recently came across these two sites boasting quality meat and whey: GrassLandBeef and OneWorldWhey. I am a big supporter of using only grass fed and free-range animal meat, whether it is beef, lamb, pork, bison, venison or chicken. The nutritional difference between CAFO-raised meat and free-range meat is so remarkable that they are practically speaking different foods. For instance, free-range chicken that is able to forage for seeds and insects have a much higher level of vitamin K, D, A, and Omega-3 fatty acids the yolk. Free range raw cow’s milk butter will also have a much, much higher level of these 4 nutrients., as well as a host of synergistic factors that nutritional science is just beginning to understand. In addition, eating anything that comes out of those insane commercial livestocking plants is a sure path to ill health. Not only are those animals shot full of chemicals and forced to eat unnatural foods, (cows are supposed to eat grass, not corn!), but there is more than merely caloric energy in foods, and you don’t want to be consuming the negative energy of a painfully tortured animal! You are what you eat! Nutritional stress is the precursor to a host of bodily ailments that will slow down your progress in the gym or yoga studio and eventually lead to any one of a number of modern diseases resulting from a compromised immune system and inflammation.
Check these two links out, and if you really want to know more about where I’m coming from, you can also have a look at: Weston Price.