1. I use quick cooking oats, which I mix with a little bit of honey and some of my home-made yogurt. This will sit in the fridge over night so the oats absorb the moisture from the yogurt, but they don’t actually cook. It makes a creamy, rich tasting treat called meuslix, and it’s by far one of my favorite portable meals. The heavy loading of fresh fruit and oats makes it a perfect post-workout meal, high in carbohydrates, protein rich and packed with loads of fiber, nutrients and plenty of anti-oxidants!
2. Cutting a mango is simple. Simply cut away the “cheeks” of the fruit which are the two widest sides. This is where most of the meat is. Then cross-hatch the flesh, push it inside out, and shave off the cubes, (or eat it directly). It’s mango season here in India, and we’re just starting to get the first trickles of the eventual motherload. These are Alphonso mangoes, the ones I was waxing poetic about in an earlier post. Sweet, floral and the perfect size for my 2 cup containers. The reward of preparing the fruit myself is nibbling at the skin and the stone for the last sweet morsels of fruit, yum!
3. This is it, almost 2 cups of fresh fruit, a small container of nuts, and my home-made meuslix. Closer to show time I might drop the nuts because this is a pretty high-carb meal. I don’t bother with BCAA’s or post-workout shakes any more. My body has been responding incredibly well to simple, fresh, whole foods, and my palate is uber grateful. Getting conditioned never tasted so good…!!!