Tuesday morning, June 28th…
Off to the gym to teach the 9:30 am Bikram class, wolf down my high-protein Meal 2, (Meal 1 was a 3 egg omelette cooked in a little bit of ghee) and then hit the weights on Day 1 of my New Program!!! (You now how it gets, the excitement with a new cycle of exercises, the anticipation, how will it affect my shape, my metabolism, etc). I feel like a little kid at christmas time! I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the best way to split up body-parts while training, and to be honest, every month Jean-Jacques changes my splits. I’m not sure if there is one ‘best’ way. What seems to the protocol is to constantly change the order, the work-load, and the exercises every 4 weeks or so. Last program I did a shoulder/back/calves and then legs split. This month it is back, hamstrings, calves and then shoulders/care/quads split, with one metabolic workout and 2 double yogaa sessions. I do weights 4 times a week, so I repeat the two spits twice a week. Pretty simple, but damn it’s been effective. I’ve been able to lean out without too much diet change, and without any cardio, as compared to last year, and my legs actually came in before my upper back!!! Unprecedented for me!! Last night I finally cracked down on posing as well. Though I’ve been practicing after my workouts in the group fitness room, I knew I had to start video-taping, but like most of us, this has been the hardest part of training to implement psychologically, but with some encouragement from my coaches, I made my first video last night. What an eye-opener. Girls, (and boys) make sure you put at least 30 minutes every day into your posing. Arnold posed for an hour every day, even when he was at the top, that’s just how important it is!! You have to be able to show what you’ve sculpting over the long, hard months in the gym.
I will let you know how the next two days feel. have a great week of training everybody!!
Taping helped me a lot too. I always thought I looked so confident, then i taped & when I watched back I realized I was so boring!!