I super-set these with the Turkish Get-Ups, and let me tell you, though I only use a light weight, by the 7th rep my posterior chain is totally on fire as are my shoulders/lower traps muscles.
1. Grab an appropriate weight to do 3 sets of 12. I’m using 10 lbs here. Begin as you would for a normal back extension. You will need this particular piece of equipment to do this exercise, but most gyms will have it. It’s a standard piece. Keep your spine straight and your elbows locked.
2. Come up half way and pause one second.
3. Continue the rest of the way up in an explosive movement, into a full back extension. Simultaneously raise your arms straight up and a little wide, in line with your spine.
You can use a little momentum to complete the extension by lowering your body slightly from the static position.
Like I said, these babies will burn your behind and your shoulders at the same time, so enjoy!!!
I’m going to start doing my back extensions like this!!
They’re an incredible butt burner as well as lower trap burner. Make sure hold them for a full second at the half-way point before completing the extension for the full benefit, enjoy!!