Well, my training for yoga competition has taken a back seat, I’m sorry to admit. Doing all the extra work caused a LOT of inflammation in my body and then our studio here in India was suddenly shut down. To top it all off, the closest studio for us to head to now is about 45 minutes away, on a verrrry polluted rick-shaw drive, and while I’ve been diligently traveling back-and-forth every day, I’ve now come down with a pretty serious sinus infection. I’m pretty sure it is related to the daily onslaught of pollution, (it feels like I’m sucking on the back of am exhaust pipe heading off to yoga, ugh!), and I can’t do inversions as a consquence. So I still have 4 weeks to prepare, but it makes me realize how much more I love training in the gym than in the yoga room. Achieving a PB on the leg press is just so validating and the feeling is so ferocious and amazing, (yes, it’s a kind of pain, but not like the pain of doing 50 backbends in a row). With yoga postures, achieving greater flexibility hurts in a different way, a way that I’m not sure is the best for me long-term. So, I’ve decided to change my yoga training. I don’t think it should hurt as much as it has been, so I’ll be breaking up my backbends into two sets of 25, and instead of doing 10 head to knee poses, 10 standing bow poses, 10 scorpions and 10 cranes, as well as 10 routines, I’ll do what Alissa Matthews did, (she was the international champion a couple of years ago), I’ll keep up my regular practice, do advanced, and do 1 perfect routine a day.
Paz y Luz