For the Traveling Yogi….
One of my favorite magazines, Yoga Journal, has a wonderful online zine that I like to check in to, keeping ...
Smoke and Mirrors…!
Note to self….DO NOT DRINK ESPRESSO PAST 2 PM!!! So here I am, 10 minutes shy of 1 am, and ...
Oyster Omelettes…Protein Bomb Breakfast!
What you'll need... 4 eggs 2 teaspoons fish or soya sauce 2 tablespoons tapioca flour 1 tablespoon rice flour 2 ...
Simple Sushi Rice
Alright, so last week I was inboxed by none other than Richie Allen, co-ounder of to be their ...
Post-Workout Granola Heaven
I'm not a crazy fan of post-workout carbs like some people. As a fitness model, I'm already big enough in ...
My first real Sunday in Tulum..
This is what the produce section looks like at my neighbourhood vegetable stand...tons of cilantro, ginger, garlic, onions, tomatoes, peppers, ...
Breakfasts in Tulum…Omelettes!
Ever since finishing my last competition, I've been slowly adding back in fruits and vegetables, and some dairy, back into ...
Monday, Sept 10, 2012…
Every day begins with the constant call to arms from my neighbour's 5 am he beat my alarm clock ...
First Day in Tulum, Mexico
Where I was hanging out this afternoon...spent my first full day here in Tulum, and I have to say that ...
Boiled & Baked Sweet Potato Fries
I've tried these out last week during a refeed and really loved how moist and flavorful they were. As I ...